- Use arrow keys
to move the Snake
- Press Space at any time to pause the game
- On Touch systems swipe the screen to control movement
- Help Snake fetch the food and score higher!
- You can automate the snake to catch food by itself
- The game is based on the idea: The Fetcher
- Intelli Snake 2 is an efficient version of: Intelli Snake
A foul is commited when the Snake
- eats itself
- hits the wall (collision needs to be enabled)
- fails to catch food in 60 steps
Two options are available for automation
- Fast Automation
- Snake moves faster than regular
- An Asynchronous Http request is sent which returns the next
50 steps
- Snake then moves through the loaded steps, meanwhile more requests are sent for more
- Snake moves and requests are sent in parallel
- Automate
- Snake moves at regular speed
- At each step a synchronous Http request is sent which returns with the next step
- Snake waits for a request at each step
AI behind Automation
- For automation we have 2 models built on Deep Neural Networks and Convolutianl Neural
- Both the models are based on keras API, using tensorflow, implementing Functional API and
Sequential models.
- The models return an array of directions sorted by preference
- Snake then uses the first direction with most preference
- If the first preferred direction doestnot help, snake uses the next preference
- Since the Random Model has lesser accuracy, you'll find it commiting more fouls
Fixed Model [Accuracy: 99.72%]
It takes 2 inputs
- Possition of snake and food
- Available directions
- It is based on Functional API and Sequential Models
- Deep Neural Networks are involved
Random Model [Accuracy: 94.59%]
It takes 3 inputs
- Image of the Map
- Possition of snake and food
- Available directions
- Deep Neural Networks, along with Convolutianl Neural Networks are involved
- It is based on Functional API, Sequential Model and Transfer Model (using Fixed
Model as base)
- Input 2 and Input 3 are transferred to Fixed Model, the output is then used with
Input 1 by Sequential Models and Functional API which then generate a final output
To see the summary of models and the complete back end
Github Repository